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UN’s environmental head will deliver U-M’s Wege Lecture
February 27, 2013
More than $100,000 awarded to U-M student entrepreneurs
February 25, 2013
Mirel elected to National Academy of Education
February 22, 2013
Lessons from cockroaches could inform robotics
February 22, 2013
U-M experts available to discuss Chinese labor situation
February 21, 2013
U-M Regents approve renovation of West Quad and design for South Quad improvements
February 21, 2013
GDP predicts auto sales worldwide
February 19, 2013
U-M arts and culture: Race, emancipation and African-American folk gardens
February 15, 2013
U-Michigan experts available to discuss Russian meteor
February 15, 2013
U-Michigan celebrates three Sloan Fellowships for research
February 14, 2013
Stay cool and live longer?
February 14, 2013
U-M environmental scientist Joel Blum wins 2013 Patterson Award for research on mercury
February 14, 2013
Political strategist Donna Brazile will speak at U-M
February 14, 2013
Feeling down? Retail therapy helps beat the blues
February 13, 2013
U-M experts available to discuss North Korea’s third nuclear test
February 12, 2013
Secret rendezvous: Geladas conceal monkeying around from leader males
February 12, 2013
Modern growing methods may be culprit of ‘coffee rust’ fungal outbreak
February 12, 2013
U-M experts available to discuss Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation
February 11, 2013
Babies are born earlier and smaller when males are scarce
February 11, 2013
Old drug may point the way to new treatments for diabetes and obesity
February 10, 2013