Law & Politics

  1. Management support is crucial for success of worker wellness plans November 8, 2011
  2. Welcome or not, the season of hospitality is coming November 8, 2011
  3. University of Michigan offers experts on 2012 presidential elections November 7, 2011
  4. War and peace: Partisanship prevails in Congress November 4, 2011
  5. New national business incubation study identifies best practices for success November 3, 2011
  6. Tom Daschle to give talk on value-based insurance design November 2, 2011
  7. Adam Bryant of the New York Times discusses leadership lessons November 2, 2011
  8. Rare Chinese papercuts, liberated from U-M storage room, now on display November 1, 2011
  9. Road fatalities among young and old much improved, but still high October 25, 2011
  10. The Generation X Report: U-M survey paints a surprisingly positive portrait October 25, 2011
  11. 2012 presidential candidates likely to debate weak economy October 25, 2011
  12. U-M School of Information to receive $8 million to foster data-sharing among scientists October 24, 2011
  13. U-M Ford School professor monitored Tunisian vote October 24, 2011
  14. Lieberthal discusses U-M’s China ties, Chinese challenges October 24, 2011
  15. Congressman Eric Cantor to speak in Ford School lecture series October 20, 2011
  16. U-M experts available to discuss death of Moammar Gadhafi October 20, 2011
  17. U-M Ford School poll: Most local leaders in Michigan report ongoing financial woes October 19, 2011
  18. U-M President Mary Sue Coleman named chair of the Association of American Universities October 18, 2011
  19. Economists will address America’s post-crisis recovery October 18, 2011
  20. Richard Bernstein, advocate for disability issues, prominent Michigan attorney, and U-M alumnus, will receive Neubacher Award October 18, 2011