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Science & Technology
U-M lab preserves Chinese art treasures
August 5, 1997
Automotive interiors sector expects great changes in next decade
August 4, 1997
New Web-based guide for using libraries for research
July 30, 1997
U-M students among 1997 International Predissertation Fellows
July 28, 1997
Students get scholarships from Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
July 28, 1997
Parental poverty important in men’s economic backgrounds
July 24, 1997
Research and undergraduate education outlined to Regents
July 18, 1997
Regents approve building projects
July 18, 1997
Faculty members named to endowed professorships
July 18, 1997
Seven faculty members retire
July 18, 1997
Regents approve administrative appointments
July 18, 1997
EXPO piques high school student interest in engineering, science
July 16, 1997
Management Briefing Seminars Aug. 4-8
July 14, 1997
Laser performs breakthrough, high-precision corneal surgery
July 9, 1997
Dentistry Prof. Eemeritus Sigurd P. Ramfjord died July 4
July 9, 1997
Nancy Cantor chosen as U-M provost
July 8, 1997
U-M students win Colton Leadership Scholarship
June 17, 1997
Hand-over of Hong Kong to China
June 17, 1997
Pathfinder and Sojourner to land on Mars on July 4
June 16, 1997
June 12, 1997