Detroit-area experts discuss gentrification
Retiring Congressman Levin to join U-M Ford School of Public Policy
New Qualcomm Thinkabit Lab opens at Michigan Engineering Zone
U-M presents Dominique Morisseau play inspired by Jena Six case, explores systemic racial injustice
Refugees infuse up to $295M a year in southeast Michigan economy
U-M to host Bicentennial Detroit Festival
U-M Glee Club’s ‘Love, Life & Loss’ film wins 5 Michigan chapter Emmy Awards
Detroit: Community organizing helped stabilize neighborhoods after mortgage crisis
Google grant grows Detroit high school robotics programs
Reducing phosphorus entering the Detroit River; real-time, autonomous stormwater control
Very young lake sturgeon and artificial spawning reefs in the Detroit and St. Clair rivers
Tip sheet: U-M science at Great Lakes research conference in Detroit
Bumblebee populations higher in Detroit than in some less-urbanized areas; vacant lots could be a factor
Michigan Sea Grant, Wayne State to host international freshwater research conference next week
um3detroit event will highlight university, city partnership in advancing research, learning
Poverty Solutions: Making housing more affordable
Upward mobility in Detroit: Talk explores working families’ struggles
U-M Venice Architecture Biennale exhibition opens at Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit
Searching for young lake sturgeon near Detroit-area spawning reefs
U-M startup pilots $10 grocery rides to Detroiters