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Business & Economy
U-M researcher honored for MABEL, the jogging robot
October 3, 2012
Obama, Romney supporters: R-E-S-P-E-C-T (just a little bit)
October 3, 2012
U-M, WSU grant aims to improve African American health
October 1, 2012
U-M India Business Conference: ‘Inside the Transformation’
October 1, 2012
U-M/Sloan project enhances open access to research data
October 1, 2012
U-M’s Planet Blue continues to help reduce campus energy use, boost recycling
October 1, 2012
Disease advocacy has changed how medical research is funded
October 1, 2012
Consumer confidence posts a significant gain in September
September 28, 2012
Road safety: Let the good times roll…or not
September 27, 2012
Health care reform: NY Times’ David Leonhardt, economists will discuss at U-M forum
September 27, 2012
U-Michigan experts available to discuss presidential debates
September 27, 2012
TIAA-CREF CEO Roger Ferguson visits U-M tomorrow
September 26, 2012
Know how much you’re texting while driving? U-M study says no
September 25, 2012
Teaching inventors to be entrepreneurs: A fundamentally new degree program marries business and engineering
September 24, 2012
U-M researchers to study student attitudes on eating and body image
September 24, 2012
Local leaders split over state’s emergency manager law
September 24, 2012
U-M study: Pacific Islanders have high obesity, smoking rates
September 24, 2012
Documentary film about energy solutions to screen at U-M Oct. 18
September 21, 2012
U-M’s South Quad approved for renovation work
September 20, 2012
Annual research spending at U-M rises 3% to $1.27 billion
September 20, 2012