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Business & Economy
U-M takes important strides in research and sustainable computing
May 29, 2012
Gains in consumer confidence continue, depend on job growth
May 25, 2012
Lighting control system at U-M saves energy and costs
May 24, 2012
Stem-cell-growing surface enables bone repair
May 23, 2012
A wake-up call for manufacturing
May 23, 2012
LectureTools U-M startup launches iPad app to keep students engaged and organized
May 22, 2012
Food fight or romantic dinner? Communication between couples is key to improving men’s diets
May 22, 2012
Interactive website helps parents keep teen drivers safe
May 21, 2012
Religion is a potent force for cooperation and conflict, research shows
May 17, 2012
OMG! Texting ups truthfulness, new iPhone study suggests
May 16, 2012
Calling all cars: U-M takes center stage in safe transportation
May 15, 2012
U-M Board of Regents meeting May 17 in Dearborn
May 14, 2012
Dance performance in four sites along downtown Ann Arbor route
May 14, 2012
Educational reform in China topic of public lecture
May 14, 2012
New twist on ancient math problem could improve medicine, microelectronics
May 10, 2012
Stockholders vote GOP regardless of market performance
May 10, 2012
Power to the professors: A bold, new way to fund research begins at U-Michigan
May 9, 2012
Construction of new rock spawning reefs will help Great Lakes native fish
May 9, 2012
U-M’s Center for Geospatial Medicine receives federal innovation award to study diabetes
May 8, 2012
U-M names Knight-Wallace Journalism Fellows
May 8, 2012