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Expert Q&A
Bhramar Mukherjee: India’s coronavirus cases increase as national government relaxes rules
June 17, 2020
Black Lives Matter: NFL, NASCAR respond
June 17, 2020
Yashar Niknafs: U-M alum launches startup, pivots from prostate diagnostics to COVID-19 testing
June 16, 2020
NSF-funded project to focus on improving security, privacy of smart homes
June 12, 2020
Handal & Iglesias-Rios: Essential but expendable? Protecting farm workers during COVID-19
June 11, 2020
Businesses speaking out on racism, societal ills must show and tell
June 10, 2020
Rachael Kohl: U-M law clinic meets high demand for unemployment benefit assistance
June 8, 2020
Jun Li: Pandemic roils retail landscape, spurs innovations
June 4, 2020
Rafael Meza: Latin America is now the coronavirus epicenter
June 3, 2020
Philip Veliz: Using shelter in place as an opportunity to talk to youth about vaping
May 26, 2020
Priti Shah: Feeling fatigued from Zoom? Give your brain a break
May 21, 2020
Riana Anderson: Surviving the coronavirus while black – Pandemic’s heavy toll on African American mental health
May 20, 2020
Rick Neitzel: 5 steps employers, employees need to take to reopen businesses
May 20, 2020
U-M economists sharing forecast, government revenue estimates with Michigan lawmakers
May 15, 2020
Angela Beck: Contact tracing – Use volunteers or paid public health corps?
May 14, 2020
Sheria Robinson-Lane: Why have nursing homes been hit so hard by the coronavirus?
May 14, 2020
Richard Curtin: Pandemic’s impact on economic behavior
May 8, 2020
Jason Pogue: Operation Warp Speed targets a COVID-19 vaccine by January; much still unknown
May 8, 2020
Paul Fleming & William Lopez: Why Hispanics are at higher risk to suffer health, economic consequences
May 6, 2020
Jerry Davis: COVID-19 era offers proving ground for new business models—for better or worse
May 6, 2020