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Science & Technology
Nano-engineering boosts efficiency of materials that convert waste heat to electrical energy
May 30, 2013
Latinos disproportionately sterilized for decades in California
May 29, 2013
Children of long-lived parents less likely to get cancer
May 28, 2013
U-M’s ISR awards $250,000 to young, innovative researchers
May 23, 2013
Detroit community forum: Air pollution in southeast Michigan
May 22, 2013
The new retirement: No retirement?
May 21, 2013
The future of nanotechnology: Bringing more research to market
May 21, 2013
Waiting for a sign? Researchers find potential brain ‘switch’ for new behavior
May 21, 2013
U-M Water Center awards $570K in Great Lakes restoration grants
May 21, 2013
Leading explanations for whooping cough’s resurgence don’t stand up to scrutiny
May 20, 2013
Third Century Initiative funds its first Global Challenge projects
May 20, 2013
U-M experts available to discuss Canadian earthquake felt in Michigan today
May 17, 2013
James Hilton will return to U-M as dean of libraries
May 16, 2013
U-M anthropologist named 2013 National Geographic Emerging Explorer
May 16, 2013
Security risks found in sensors for heart devices, consumer electronics
May 16, 2013
A new laser paradigm: An electrically injected polariton laser
May 15, 2013
U-M conference: Future of liberal arts at research universities
May 15, 2013
U-M-supported projects create positive change in Detroit
May 14, 2013
U-M launches new center to transform mobility
May 14, 2013
U-M arts and culture: Music at Hill, Broadway awards, film legend Robert Altman
May 13, 2013