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Arts & Culture
Divorce costs thousands of women health insurance coverage every year
November 12, 2012
Saving lives could start at shift change: A simple way to improve hospital handoff conversations
November 12, 2012
U-M conference will feature U.S. and state economic forecasts
November 12, 2012
U-M ranked No. 8 in nation for size of international student body
November 12, 2012
A better brain implant: Slim electrode cozies up to single neurons
November 11, 2012
U-M researchers to study ‘food security’ across Michigan
November 7, 2012
U-M startup LectureTools acquired by Echo360
November 7, 2012
Saber-toothed cats and bear dogs: How they made cohabitation work
November 7, 2012
Stealth virus: Escaping detection by the body’s immune system
November 6, 2012
Latinos meet more “heart-healthy” standards than other Americans
November 6, 2012
Experts available to discuss issues related to China’s leadership transition
November 6, 2012
U-M experts available for Election Day, post-election analysis
November 5, 2012
U-M partnership creates opportunities in sustainable development
November 5, 2012
U-M ISR renews global partnership with Qatar University
November 5, 2012
U-M math major wins $10,000 Astronaut Foundation Scholarship
November 1, 2012
Hurricane Sandy: University of Michigan experts
November 1, 2012
Media invited to attend U-M Sport Business Conference
November 1, 2012
Polarized networks another example of partisan divide
November 1, 2012
The Fed and interest rates: Biased toward the GOP?
October 31, 2012
Biofuel breakthrough: Quick cook method turns algae into oil
October 31, 2012