Science & Technology

  1. New software could alleviate wireless traffic April 11, 2013
  2. Brain scans reveal first objective measure of physical pain April 10, 2013
  3. U-M town hall: Future of fracking in Michigan April 10, 2013
  4. Gov. Snyder to discuss autonomous vehicles at Robotics Day April 10, 2013
  5. U-M researchers find new way to clear cholesterol from the blood April 10, 2013
  6. Nuclear safety experts available to discuss Fukushima leaks April 9, 2013
  7. Advancing secure communications: A better single-photon emitter for quantum cryptography April 9, 2013
  8. University of Michigan experts available to discuss latest avian flu April 8, 2013
  9. Mars Science Lab update: What remains of Mars’ atmosphere is still dynamic April 8, 2013
  10. Can you hear me now? Geladas’ vocal lip smacks resemble human speech April 8, 2013
  11. Lift weights to lower blood sugar? White muscle helps keep blood glucose levels under control April 7, 2013
  12. Building better blood vessels could advance tissue engineering April 4, 2013
  13. Media availability with Lisa Jackson, former administrator of the U.S. EPA April 4, 2013
  14. Green Pea galaxies could help astronomers understand early universe April 3, 2013
  15. TedXUofM convention aims to fill heads and hearts with ideas April 2, 2013
  16. Evocative exhibit, town hall foster conversation about race April 2, 2013
  17. Cells culled from adults may grow human bone April 2, 2013
  18. Record-breaking 2011 Lake Erie algae bloom may be sign of things to come April 1, 2013
  19. Soils in newly forested areas store substantial carbon that could help offset climate change April 1, 2013
  20. Consumer confidence continues to improve in March March 29, 2013