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Science & Technology
Toward brain-like computing: New memristor better mimics synapses
December 17, 2018
Parents, kids spend more time discussing how to use mobile technology than talking about content
December 11, 2018
Improving oral health care: U-M dental students learn about craniofacial anomalies in Brazil
December 10, 2018
U-M Center for the Discovery of New Medicines now known as Michigan Drug Discovery
December 10, 2018
Using quantum entanglement to study proteins
December 6, 2018
Giant pterosaur ‘flies’ into U-M Museum of Natural History
December 5, 2018
Changing the conversation: Seniors and technology
December 3, 2018
Revealing hidden information in sound waves
November 29, 2018
15 U-M scientists, engineers named AAAS fellows
November 27, 2018
Lake Erie algal blooms ‘seeded’ internally by overwintering cells in lake-bottom sediments
November 21, 2018
Designing a safer building block for drug discovery by harnessing visible light
November 21, 2018
Nanofiber carpet could lead to new sticky or insulating surfaces
November 15, 2018
$1.6M for solar cell windows, high-temperature solar power
November 15, 2018
Goldilocks and the optimal mating distance: Neither too small nor too large but just right
November 7, 2018
U-M startup is sniffing out dangerous levels of toxic chemicals in the air
November 6, 2018
$6.8M initiative to enable American laser renaissance
October 31, 2018
Unique type of skeletal stem cells found in ‘resting zone’ are actually hard at work
October 31, 2018
U-M Biosciences Initiative invests $45M in ‘groundbreaking’ research
October 29, 2018
Chimpanzees react faster to cooperate than make selfish choices
October 29, 2018
U-M astronomers confirm collision between two Milky Way satellite galaxies
October 25, 2018