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Ultra-low power brain implants find meaningful signal in grey matter noise
July 27, 2020
Michigan Minds Podcast: Maize & BLUEprint: Providing Health-Informed Education Experiences
July 26, 2020
Miatta Buxton: Coronavirus – What pregnant women should know
July 22, 2020
Do the math: Mask use, social distancing leads to shorter lockdown, lower death rate
July 22, 2020
UM-Flint professor honored for 25 years of international nursing
July 21, 2020
What happens if eviction moratoriums expire across the US?
July 21, 2020
Space station motors make a robotic prosthetic leg more comfortable, extend battery life
July 15, 2020
U-M, state of Michigan surveying coronavirus survivors to inform future response to pandemic
July 13, 2020
Mind the gap: Even the richest Americans lag the English on health
July 13, 2020
Drug that calms ‘cytokine storm’ linked to lower risk of death among COVID-19 patients on ventilators
July 13, 2020
Simultaneous, reinforcing policy failures led to Flint water crisis, providing lessons during pandemic
July 13, 2020
Most older adults have experienced ageism; still hold positive attitudes toward aging
July 13, 2020
Medicaid expansion meant better health for the most vulnerable low-income adults
July 10, 2020
Arnold Monto: Should we worry about airborne coronavirus?
July 10, 2020
Michigan Minds Podcast: Helping Children Exercise During COVID-19
July 9, 2020
Adults with obesity more likely to develop H1N1 influenza
July 9, 2020
Dean Yang: COVID-19 survey work builds on U-M researcher’s projects in Mozambique
July 9, 2020
Police brutality in America: Teach-out encourages learners to get informed, involved
July 7, 2020
Olga Yakusheva: Coronavirus quarantine – The cure is not worse than the disease
July 7, 2020
Talking with parents empowers Latino youths to engage in community
July 7, 2020