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Science & Technology
Hydrogen fuel cells: With a database of 500,000 materials, researchers zero in on best bets
April 5, 2019
A step toward recovering reproduction in girls who survive childhood cancer
April 3, 2019
Fatal chirps: Nocturnal flight calls increase building collisions among migrating birds
April 2, 2019
Witnessing the dance of RNAs around droplets of cellular degradation machinery
April 2, 2019
Step it up: Does running cadence matter? Not as much as previously thought
March 27, 2019
Lifelike reconstruction of extinct human relative to be displayed at new U-M Museum of Natural History
March 27, 2019
U-M researchers confirm massive hyper-runaway star ejected from the Milky Way Disk
March 12, 2019
Speedy ‘slingshot’ cell movement observed for the first time
March 12, 2019
U-M part of network to build public interest technology field
March 11, 2019
How galactic bubbles produce energetic particles
March 7, 2019
U-M study suggests impact of urbanization on wild bees underestimated
March 6, 2019
New findings shed light on origin of upright walking in human ancestors
March 4, 2019
Planet Nine: U-M astronomers optimistic about its existence, hope to see more evidence soon
February 27, 2019
Early life stress alters helping behavior of meerkat offspring
February 25, 2019
U-M to invest up to $20 million in four of its startups
February 21, 2019
Earth may be 140 years away from reaching carbon levels not seen in 56 million years
February 20, 2019
New live-imaging technique reveals cellular repair crew plugging leaky biological barrier
February 14, 2019
Running an LED in reverse could cool future computers
February 13, 2019
Teaching self-driving cars to predict pedestrian movement
February 12, 2019
A national honor for U-M engineering professors
February 12, 2019