Law & Politics

  1. Medicaid expansion does not discourage job-seeking among the unemployed March 4, 2020
  2. ACA made health insurance access more equal but racial, ethnic gaps remain March 2, 2020
  3. Michigan Minds Podcast: Local Government Fiscal Health February 28, 2020
  4. Super Tuesday, Michigan primary: U-M experts can discuss February 27, 2020
  5. Michigan Minds Podcast: Increasing Student Civic Engagement February 8, 2020
  6. Gallery transforms into courtroom for ‘Witness Lab’ at the U-M Museum of Art February 6, 2020
  7. Latest U-M teach-out focuses on presidential election process February 3, 2020
  8. Michigan Minds Podcast: Child and Family Public Policy January 31, 2020
  9. China-US trade deal: U-M experts can discuss January 15, 2020
  10. U-M survey finds sharp increase in energy efficiency steps among Michigan local governments January 15, 2020
  11. Michigan Minds Podcast: U-M history professor on US Iranian relations January 11, 2020
  12. Implications of Soleimani’s death: U-M experts can discuss January 10, 2020
  13. Puerto Rico earthquake and aftermath: U-M experts can discuss January 9, 2020
  14. U-M study finds no discrimination in issuing same-sex marriage licenses November 19, 2019
  15. Michigan Minds Podcast: Apple/WHO Hearing Study November 14, 2019
  16. Big Ten Voting Challenge helped increase student turnout, will continue in 2020 November 12, 2019
  17. Voters agree with polls that favor their candidates November 7, 2019
  18. How Russia’s online censorship could jeopardize internet freedom worldwide November 6, 2019
  19. Michigan leaders worried about possible effects of next recession October 30, 2019
  20. University of Michigan selected to host Presidential Debate in 2020 October 11, 2019