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Science & Technology
New U-M research center to focus on ethical, equitable practices in computing technology
January 20, 2020
U-M survey finds sharp increase in energy efficiency steps among Michigan local governments
January 15, 2020
‘Green methane’ from artificial photosynthesis could recycle CO2
January 10, 2020
Center for Academic Innovation series brings leading XR experts to campus
January 9, 2020
U-M scientists teach biodiversity using preserved specimens dating back 100 years
December 23, 2019
Open water in wintertime Arctic is changing its atmosphere
December 19, 2019
Two in one: Fossil shells reveal both global mercury contamination and warming when dinosaurs perished
December 16, 2019
Azteca ant colonies move the same way leopards’ spots form
December 11, 2019
Newly described fossil whale represents intermediate stage between foot-powered and tail-powered swimming
December 11, 2019
Tandem tool helps students work better, participate more equitably in teams
December 11, 2019
Inclusive play: U-M art professor leads creation of interactive game for kids with and without disabilities
December 10, 2019
Parker Solar Probe: ‘We’re missing something fundamental about the sun’
December 4, 2019
Migratory birds shrinking as climate warms, new analysis of four-decade record shows
December 4, 2019
Michigan Minds Podcast: Privacy and Cyber Security
December 3, 2019
22 U-M scientists, engineers named 2019 AAAS Fellows
November 26, 2019
How an AI solution can design new tuberculosis drug regimens
November 21, 2019
Beyond Moore’s Law: Taking transistor arrays into the third dimension
November 19, 2019
Scientists make vampire bats ‘glow’ to simulate vaccine spread
November 18, 2019
Michigan Minds Podcast: Apple/WHO Hearing Study
November 14, 2019
How Let’s Encrypt doubled the internet’s percentage of secure websites in four years
November 13, 2019