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Nonthermal plasma can inactivate airborne viral threat to pigs
March 10, 2020
New online tool helps Michigan communities plan for renewable energy
February 27, 2020
Teach-out puts climate change in perspective, encourages citizen involvement
February 26, 2020
Super-urinators among the mangroves: Excretory gifts from estuary’s busiest fish promote ecosystem health
February 26, 2020
First genetic evidence of resistance in some bats to white-nose syndrome, a devastating fungal disease
February 20, 2020
Tips for extending the lifetime of lithium-ion batteries
February 17, 2020
Fighting climate change at the sink: A guide to greener dishwashing
February 12, 2020
Record-high Great Lakes water levels continue: U-M experts available to comment
February 5, 2020
Probing the genetic basis of Roundup resistance in morning glory, a noxious agricultural weed
February 3, 2020
Washed up: Turning Great Lakes beach plastic into fashion
January 27, 2020
Can a tiny invasive snail help save Latin American coffee?
January 23, 2020
Second-warmest year, warmest decade: U-M experts available
January 15, 2020
U-M survey finds sharp increase in energy efficiency steps among Michigan local governments
January 15, 2020
‘Green methane’ from artificial photosynthesis could recycle CO2
January 10, 2020
Puerto Rico earthquake and aftermath: U-M experts can discuss
January 9, 2020
Michigan Minds Podcast: Global Climate and Human Health
December 20, 2019
Open water in wintertime Arctic is changing its atmosphere
December 19, 2019
Two in one: Fossil shells reveal both global mercury contamination and warming when dinosaurs perished
December 16, 2019
Azteca ant colonies move the same way leopards’ spots form
December 11, 2019
Migratory birds shrinking as climate warms, new analysis of four-decade record shows
December 4, 2019